The time is right to bridge the policy divide between telecom and tech; a bipartisan, incremental approach can get us there.

DPI In the News

Comments to the FCC
DPI Joins Coalition to Oppose Upending Unlicensed Use of the 900 MHz band
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Comments to NTIA
DPI Leads Coalition Letter re Alternative Broadband Technology in BEAD
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American Foreign Policy Council
Identifying the Next TikTok: Which Apps Could Be Next?
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Supreme Court Amicus Brief
State Regulation of Broadband Rates Widens the Digital Divide
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The Hill
Why is Apple Promoting Chinese Spyware?
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American Compass
Banning TikTok is Constitutional
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Amicus Brief
DPI Supports Human Rights Organizations in TikTok Amicus Brief
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Amicus Brief
Bipartisan Academics Support TikTok Divestiture
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Full Stack Framework
We support a holistic approach to protect all consumers and entrepreneurs in the Internet ecosystem.
Target economic barriers to opportunity created by those with market power so that others who are struggling with unfair practices can freely compete and grow.
Robust Competition
Privacy for Every Consumer
Establish universal privacy rules that protect consumer data across the Internet—and ensure those decisions are in the hands of consumers, not competitors.
Produce thoughtful policies so federal and state efforts to close the digital divide proceed as swiftly and efficiently as possible.
Ubiquitous Broadband
5G & Beyond
Advocate for policies that increase the commercialization of underused spectrum for licensed and unlicensed use, keep America’s lead in the race to 5G, and position American industry and entrepreneurs to lead in the next generations of wireless technology.

Who We Are
