App Store Competition and the Path to Mobile Innovation
A Digital Progress Institute Event
November 15, 3:30PM
With almost no exception, American consumers download apps from one of two app stores, Apple’s and Google’s, which make up 99.64% of the smartphone market. This concentration confers extraordinary gatekeeping power. The question for lawmakers and regulators is whether this gatekeeping power is inherently anticompetitive (or is being used anticompetitively) and, if so, what should be done about it?
We’ve brought together a diverse panel of experts to evaluate the effectiveness of various legislative and regulatory solutions as well as identify potential bipartisan consensus toward achieving robust competition in the app marketplace.
Joel Thayer, DPI President – Introductory Remarks
Nick Degani, DPI Chief Strategist – Moderator
Jamie Susskind, Office of Senator Marsha Blackburn
John Bergmayer, Public Knowledge
Graham Dufault, ACT | The App Association
Carl Szabo, NetChoice
Kim Keenan, DPI Chief Policy Officer – Closing Remarks

Jamie Susskind is the Tech Policy Advisor for Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), managing the Senator’s work as Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Data Security.

John Bergmayer is Legal Director at Public Knowledge, specializing in telecommunications, media, internet, and intellectual property issues.

Carl Szabo is Vice President & General Counsel at NetChoice where he advocates for free expression and free enterprise on the internet. Carl is also an Adjunct Professor of Internet Law at the George Mason Antonin Scalia Law School.